Online Sales Tax & Business Filing Services to Make Life Easy.

We’ve removed the hassle and confusion from your business filing needs. Spend less time doing paperwork, more time doing other things.

Fast Filings is exclusively a business to business (B2B) filing service, specializing in filings for businesses of any size. We are B2B only. Fast Filings is not affiliated with any government agency. We are a private B2B filing company that offers services to prepare and and/or assist in filing forms and documents. Our service fees do not include government agency fees, and clear service descriptions are located at the bottom of this website under the link heading "Services Provided".

Our Simple Process


Complete Web Form

We've designed our webs forms to be simple and easy. No confusing paperwork, forms, or government documents. We will prepare that for you.

Document icon

Sign Documents

For many of our services, a signature, photo ID, or other items are necessary to complete a filing. We will make it incredibly easy to sign and submit any required items.


Receive Your Request

Sit tight and wait for your items to arrive. Many times, we send approved filings in PDF format via email. Other times, the issuing government office will mail the items directly to you.

About Us

Fast Filings is a private business filing service, offering filing services and document assistance services for various business needs. Whether your business needs a permit or license to operate, or needs proof of goods standing, we are here to help. We perform government filings and prepare government documents, but we are not a government agency, and you may file on your own directly with the issuing government office and avoid our service fee if you’d like.

Our goal is to help you avoid the hassle and headache with preparing or filing government documents on your own. We error check and rush all orders.

About Our Business Filing Services